North Base Camp

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Kangchenjunga 03 01 Jannu Sobithongie-Phole and Khabur As we neared the huge active landslide with potential rock-fall danger, Jannu came into view. I crossed the landslide without incident and then the clouds…
Kangchenjunga 03 02 Jannu North Face Full View Jannu’s North Face was climbed from the left hand ridge in 1977 by a large Japanese expedition. This is how Freshfield saw Jannu’s North Face when descending…
Kangchenjunga 03 03 Jannu North Face Middle Close Up
Kangchenjunga 03 04 Jannu North Face Summit Blazes At Sunset
Kangchenjunga 03 05 Fairy Waterfall After Kambachen Just over an hour from Kambachen on the way to Lhonak is Khan-dum-chu, the ‘fairy waterfall’, whose waters are supposed to be sacred.
Kangchenjunga 04 01 Kangchenjunga Summit, Yalung Kang and Kambachen  from Ramtang Kharka
Kangchenjunga 04 02 Tent Peak and Nepal Peak  from Lhonak The best view of Tent Peak (7365m, also called Kirat Chuli) to the left and Nepal peak (7168m) to the right are from Lhonak. Further up at Pangpema; a ridge…
Kangchenjunga 04 03 Twins and Kangchenjunga North Face From Pangpema From Pangpema we had an excellent view of The Twins and Kangchenjunga in the mid-afternoon sun. Named by Freshfield, The Twins is a double peak (7005m and…
Kangchenjunga 04 04 Kangchenjunga North Face From Pangpema Kangchenjunga's main summit, the third highest in the world at 8586m, and its west summit Yalung Kang to the right, shine in the afternoon sun from Pangpema.…
Kangchenjunga 04 05 Kangchenjunga North Summit Close Up From Pangpema
Kangchenjunga 04 06 Kangchenjunga North Summit Close Up From Pangpema At Sunrise
Kangchenjunga 04 07 Kangchenjunga North Face From Above Pangpema We climbed a very steep 230m hill directly behind Pangpema to get a more complete view. In fact, the only extra things you can see are Kambachen and a little…
Kangchenjunga 04 08 Wedge Peak From Above Pangpema The aptly named beautiful ice-fluted Wedge Peak (6750m) shines in the early morning sun from above Pangpema. Frank Smythe wrote in The Kangchenjunga Adventure,…
Kangchenjunga 04 09 Trekking Crew From Pangpema