Renaissance Thyssen Art Museum

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01A Christ and the Samaritan Woman - Duccio di Buoninsegna 1310-11 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
01B Christ and the Samaritan Woman - Duccio di Buoninsegna 1310-11 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
02 The Virgin and Child enthroned - Rogier van der Weyden 1433 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
03 The Annunciation Diptych - Jan van Eyck 1433-35 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
04 The Virgin of the Dry Tree - Petrus Christus 1465 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
05 Portrait of a Man - Antonello da Messina 1472-76 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
06 The Crucifixion - Gerard David 1475 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
07 Portrait of a Boy. Guidobaldo da Montefeltro - Piero della Francesca 1483 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
08A Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni - Domenico Ghirlandaio 1489‐90 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
08B Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni - Domenico Ghirlandaio 1489‐90 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
09A Holy Family with Infant Saint John - Fra Bartolomeo 1506-1507 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
09B Holy Family with Infant Saint John - Fra Bartolomeo 1506-1507 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
10 Jesus among the Doctors - Albrecht Durer 1506 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
11 Portrait of Ferry Carondelet with his Secretaries - Sebastiano del Piombo 1510-1512 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
12 Young Knight in a Landscape - Vittore Carpaccio 1510 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
13A Portrait of a Woman - Hans Baldung Grien 1530 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
13B Portrait of a Woman - Hans Baldung Grien 1530 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
14 The Nymph at the Fountain - Lucas Cranach the Elder 1530-34 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
15A Saint Sebastian - Bronzino 1533 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
15B Saint Sebastian - Bronzino 1533 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
16A Portrait of Henry VIII of England - Hans Holbein the Younger 1537 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
16B Portrait of Henry VIII of England - Hans Holbein the Younger 1537 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
16C Portrait of Henry VIII of England - Hans Holbein the Younger 1537 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
17 The Annunciation to the Wife of Manoah - Tintoretto 1555-59 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
18 The Meeting of Tamar and Juda - Tintoretto 1555-1559 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
19A The Penitent Saint Jerome - Titian 1575 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
19B The Penitent Saint Jerome - Titian 1575 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
20A The Annunciation - El Greco 1576 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
21A Christ with the Cross - El Greco 1587-96 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
21B Christ with the Cross - El Greco 1587-96 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
22A Paradise - Tintoretto 1588 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
22B Paradise - Tintoretto 1588 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
22C Paradise - Tintoretto 1588 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
23A The Annunciation - El Greco 1596-1600 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
23B The Annunciation - El Greco 1596-1600 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
23C The Annunciation - El Greco 1596-1600 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
24A Saint Catherine of Alexandria - Caravaggio 1598 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
24B Saint Catherine of Alexandria - Caravaggio 1598 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
25A The Immaculate Conception - El Greco 1608-14 Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain
25B The Immaculate Conception - El Greco 1608-14 Close Up Thyssen Art Museum Madrid Spain