Park Guell

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01A Gaudi House-Museum was the residence of Antoni Gaudi from 1906 to 1925 located within the Park Guell Barcelona Spain
01B Gaudi House-Museum Park Guell Barcelona Spain
01C Gaudi House-Museum has a yellow and green spire and colourful chimney Park Guell Barcelona Spain
01D Gaudi House-Museum has a colourful green and yellow chimney covered with broken tiles Park Guell Barcelona Spain
01E Gaudi House-Museum has a metal gate with interlocking shapes Park Guell Barcelona Spain
02 One of the many spheres that mimic rosary beads as they circle around the Park Guell Barcelona Spain
03A Looking up at one of the Viaducts near the Gaudi House-Museum Park Guell Barcelona Spain
03B One of the Viaducts near the Gaudi House-Museum has sloping columns and vaults made from unhewn stones Park Guell Barcelona Spain
03C Trees, plants and flowers with one of the viaducts above Parc Guell Barcelona Spain
04A The main square has a long serpentine bench and rests on Doric columns of the market place below Park Guell Barcelona Spain
04B The main square was inspired by squares of Greek city-states Park Guell Barcelona Spain
05A The main square is surrounded by a long bench in the form of a sea serpent in trencadis mosaic tiles Park Guell Barcelona Spain
05B The main square is surrounded by a long bench in the form of a sea serpent in trencadis mosaic tiles Park Guell Barcelona Spain
05C The main square is surrounded by a long bench in the form of a sea serpent in trencadis mosaic tiles Park Guell Barcelona Spain
06A Hypostyle room which could be used as a market place Park Guell Barcelona Spain
06B Hypostyle room has striated columns inspired in the Doric order Park Guell Barcelona Spain
06C Hypostyle room ceiling has small domes using clay bricks decorated with tile-shard mosaics Park Guell Barcelona Spain
06D Hypostyle room ceiling has small domes using clay bricks decorated with tile-shard mosaics Park Guell Barcelona Spain
06E Hypostyle room ceiling has small domes using clay bricks decorated with tile-shard mosaics Park Guell Barcelona Spain
06F Hypostyle room ceiling has small domes using clay bricks decorated with tile-shard mosaics Park Guell Barcelona Spain
07A Portico of the Washerwoman is part of the viaduct composed of slanted trunk-shaped columns Park Guell Barcelona Spain
07B Washerwoman stone sculpture in the Portico of the Washerwoman Park Guell Barcelona Spain
07C Stone columns hold up the Portico of the Washerwoman Park Guell Barcelona Spain
08A The main entrance with the gingerbread-like Casa del Guarda Porters Lodge left and the Porters Residence right Park Guell Barcelona Spain
08B Casa del Guarda Porters Lodge has a roof of traditional Catalan clay tiles covered with trencadis, a mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
08C Casa del Guarda Porters Lodge window with a white cross pattee Park Guell Barcelona Spain
08D Casa del Guarda Porters Lodge roof is topped by what looks like a pine cone covered with trencadis, a mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
09A Porters Residence has a tower topped by a cross and a beautiful roof covered with trencadis, a mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
09B Porters Residence has a tower topped by a four-armed cross and a beautiful roof covered with trencadis, a mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
09C Porters Residence has what looks like a pine cone covered with trencadis, a mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
10 The Iron Entrance Gate formed in the shape of palm leaves Park Guell Barcelona Spain
11A From the entrance esplanade a twin flight of steps soars up, flanked by two walls to the Hippostyle room Park Guell Barcelona Spain
11B A grotto at the bottom right of the entrance steps was used as waiting shelter supported by a conical central column Park Guell Barcelona Spain
12A The wall next to the entrance stairs is covered with trencadis mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
12B The wall next to the entrance stairs is covered with trencadis mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
12C The wall next to the entrance stairs is covered with trencadis mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
13 The entrance stairway is split with trencadis mosaic made of tile shards Park Guell Barcelona Spain
14A Catalan coat of arms with a snake trencadis mosaic fountain on the entrance steps Park Guell Barcelona Spain
14B Snake trencadis mosaic fountain on the entrance steps Park Guell Barcelona Spain
15A The dragon, or salamander, covered with decorative tile-shard mosaic is the most popular image of the park on the entrance steps Park Guell Barcelona Spain