Mumbai Elephanta Caves

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24 Nataraja Shiva As Lord Of the Dance Is Just To The Right Of The Entrance To The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
25 Nataraja Shiva As Lord Of the Dance Close Up In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
26 Figures Above Nataraja In The Main Hall At Mumbai Elephanta Island
27 Shiva As Yogishvara Is Just To The Left Of The Entrance To The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
28 The Central Shiva Shrine Is A Free-standing Square Cell With Four Entrances In The Right Section Of The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
29 Two Dvarapalas Gatekeepers Of The Northern Gate And Shiva Linga In The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
30 Dvarapala Gatekeeper Close Up Outside The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
31 Shiva Linga In The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
32 Dvarapalas Gatekeepers Of The North And East Gates At The Central Shiva Shrine With Kalyanasundara The Divine Marriage of Shiva and Parvati In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
33 Two Dvarapalas Gatekeepers Of The East Gate And Shiva Linga In The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
34 Two Dvarapalas Gatekeepers Of The South Gate At The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
35 The South Gate Dvarapala Gatekeeper Has Many Unusual Features At The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
36 South Gate Dvarapala Gatekeeper Headgear, Large Skull Above Forehead, Lips Parted With Protruding Teeth, Necklace, Earrings At The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
37 South Gate Dvarapala Gatekeeper Unusual Features Include Twisted Armlets, Thick Wristlets And A Globe Held At Navel Level At The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
38 South Gate Dvarapala Gatekeeper Unusual Features The Robe Is Held At The Left Thigh By The Left Hand At The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
39 Two Dvarapalas Gatekeepers Of The West Gate And Shiva Linga In The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
40 West Gate Dvarapala Gatekeeper Close Up At The Central Shiva Shrine In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
41 Bhairava Or Virabhadra Wrathful Form Of Shiva Slaying Andhaka In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
42 Bhairava Or Virabhadra Wrathful Form Of Shiva Headgear Has A Ruff On The Back And A Skull And Cobra Over The Forehead In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
43 Figures Above Bhairava Or Virabhadra Wrathful Form Of Shiva Slaying Andhaka In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
44 Kalyanasundara The Divine Marriage Of Shiva And Parvati With Brahma, Vishnu, Indra, And Other Divinities In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
45 Kalyanasundara The Divine Marriage Of Shiva And Parvati Close Up In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
46 Gangadhara Shiva and Parvati In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
47 Looking Toward The Trimurti From Gangadhara Shiva and Parvati In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
48 Trimurti Is The Most Important Sculpture With The Three Heads Representing Essential Aspects Of Shiva Creation, Protection, Destruction In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
49 Trimurti Right Shiva With Sensuous Lips Embodying Life And Vitality, Centre Benign Meditative Preserver Vishnu, Left Face Displaying Anger Bhairava In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
50 Guardian To The Left Of The Trimurti In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
51 Four-Armed Ardhanarishvara With One Of His Hands Resting On Nandi Left Horn In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
52 Shiva And Parvati Seated On Their Abode Mount Kailash In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
53 Ravana Below Lifting Kailash Above Where Shiva And Parvati Are Seated In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
54 Top Panel Of Ravana Lifting Kailash Close Up In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
55 Six Pillars In Each Row Divide The Main Hall In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
56 Top Of A Pillar Adorned With Fluted Cushion Capital On The Top In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
57 Collecting Water In The Cistern In The West Wing Of The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
58 Dvarapalas Gatekeepers At The Shiva Linga Shrine In The West Wing Of The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
59 Shiva Linga In The West Wing Of The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
60 Yogishvara Shiva In A Yogic Pose Seated On A Lotus In The West Wing Of The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
61 Entrance To The East Wing Of The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
62 Circular Pedestal In The East Wing Courtyard Is Said To Be The Seat Of Nandi In The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island
63 Four Young Boys In The East Wing Of The Main Cave At Mumbai Elephanta Island