Yukon And Northwest Territories

Vancouver Stretches To Downtown And Mountains Beyond From Airplane

Vancouver Stretches To Downtown And Mountains Beyond From Airplane

Whitehorse Yukon City View From Lower Escarpment Trail

Whitehorse Yukon City View From Lower Escarpment Trail

The White Pass and Yukon Route Train On Its Way To Skagway

The White Pass and Yukon Route Train On Its Way From Fraser BC To Skagway, Alaska

Shops Along YT2 Front St Next To The Yukon River In Dawson City Yukon

Shops Along YT2 Front St Next To The Yukon River In Dawson City Yukon

Tombstone Vantage Viewpoint Includes Rockcandy Mountain, Tombstone Mountain, Cathedral Mountain In Tombstone Park Yukon

Tombstone Vantage Viewpoint Includes Rockcandy Mountain, Tombstone Mountain, Cathedral Mountain In Tombstone Park Yukon

Inuvik Northwest Territories From Airplane On Approach To The Airport

Inuvik Northwest Territories From Airplane On Approach To The Airport

Dempster Highway Snakes Through The Richardson Mountains With View To Communication Tower On Day Tour From Inuvik To Arctic Circle

Dempster Highway Snakes Through The Richardson Mountains On Day Tour From Inuvik To Arctic Circle

Peter And Jerome Ryan Wading In The Arctic Ocean On Arctic Ocean Tuk Tour In Tuktoyaktuk Northwest Territories

Peter And Jerome Ryan Wading In The Arctic Ocean On Arctic Ocean Tuk Tour In Tuktoyaktuk Northwest Territories

Glacier Covered Rocky Mountains From Airplane Between Vancouver And Whitehorse

Glacier Covered Rocky Mountains From Airplane Between Vancouver And Whitehorse

The S S Klondike II Paddle Wheeler From The Outside In Whitehorse Yukon

The S S Klondike II Paddle Wheeler In Whitehorse Yukon

The Centennial Statue By Chuck Buchanan With A Tlingit Leading A Stampeder At Skagway Alaska

The Centennial Statue By Chuck Buchanan With A Tlingit Leading A Stampeder At Skagway Alaska

Diamond Tooth Gerties Gambling Hall Features Vaudeville Shows In Dawson City Yukon

Diamond Tooth Gerties Gambling Hall Features Vaudeville Shows In Dawson City Yukon

Aklavik On The West Side of the Mackenzie Delta From Airplane On Flight From Old Crow Yukon To Inuvik Northwest Territories

Aklavik On The West Side of the Mackenzie Delta From Airplane On Flight From Old Crow Yukon To Inuvik Northwest Territories

Our Lady Of Victory Igloo Church With Its Brilliant White Facade Was Completed In 1960 In Inuvik Northwest Territories

Our Lady Of Victory Igloo Church With Its Brilliant White Facade In Inuvik Northwest Territories

Peter And Jerome Ryan Pose In Front Of The Arctic Circle Sign Next To Dempster Highway In Yukon On Day Trip From Inuvik

Peter And Jerome Ryan Pose With The Arctic Circle Sign Next To Dempster Highway In Yukon

Idyllic Scene Of A Boat And Buildings Reflected in The Water On Arctic Ocean Tuk Tour In Tuktoyaktuk Northwest Territories

Idyllic Scene Of A Boat And Buildings Reflected in The Water On Arctic Ocean Tuk Tour In Tuktoyaktuk Northwest Territories

The flight from Vancouver, B.C became a sightseeing trip with views of Vancouver, the glacier clad Rocky Mountains, and then green hills before landing in Whitehorse, the capital and largest city of Yukon and the largest city in northern Canada with a population of only about 25,000 people.

We walked around Whitehorse next to the Yukon River visiting the Old Log Church, Log Skyscraper, and the S S Klondike II Paddle Wheeler.

From Whitehorse we did a day tour on the White Pass and Yukon Train to Skagway Alaska. The tour leaves Whitehorse by bus, stopping at Carcross for a brief visit. The bus continues to Fraser, BC where we board the WPYR train, cross the border into Alaska, and descend past the old cantilever steel bridge to Skagway. We did a walking tour of Skagway, visiting the Centennial Statue By Chuck Buchanan With A Tlingit Leading A Stampeder, The Arctic Brotherhood Hall, Red Onion Saloon, The Moore Cabin, McCabe College, The First Presbyterian Church, and the Plantation Style White House.

We then walked around Dawson City visiting the Dawson City Museum and Jack London's Cabin, and a vaudeville show at Diamond Gertie's. Interesting buildings include the Court House (1901), Commissioner's Residence (1901), St Paul's Anglican Church (1902), Yukon Hotel (1898), St Andrews Presbyterian Church (1901), The Dawson Daily News, The Palace Grand Theatre (1899), The Bank Of British North America (1898). The SS Keno Is A Preserved Historic Sternwheel Paddle Steamer.

We did a day tour from Dawson City to Tombstone Park, driving on the Dempster Highway with mountains views, visiting the interpretative Centre, and a pleasant hike on the Goldensides trail, ending at Two Moose Lake.

We flew to Inuvik, Northwest Territories with a brief stop in Old Crow and views of lakes, mountains, and the Mackenzie Delta. We walked around Inuvik seeing Our Lady Of Victory Igloo Church, local sculpture, the Western Arctic Regional Visitor Centre, Thermosyphon Foundation At Regional Hospital which Cools Permafrost, Town Dock On The MacKenzie River East Channel, the above ground Utilidors for carrying water and sewage, the Midnight Sun mosque, the Geodesic Dome which Was Part Of The DEW Radar Stations, new school, the community greenhouse, the midnight sun complex, the Arctic Chalet with its white husky dog kennel.

We did a day tour from Inuvik to the Arctic Circle. We drive south from Inuvik on the Dempster Highway, making two ferry crossings - MacKenzie River At Tsiigehtchic. and Peel River just after Fort McPherson. We stop briefly at Tetlit Gwinjik Territorial View Point before reaching the Richardson Mountains. We cross the border to Yukon and continue to the Arctic Circle.

We did a day tour from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk on the Arctic Ocean. We fly from Inuvik to Tuk where we met guide Eileen Jacobson who drove us through Tuk to her house. Her husband Billy showed us animal heads and furs, and then Eileen served us a sampling of local food: Dried Fish, Beluga Jerky, Muskox Meat, Muktuk, Caribou Soup and Arctic Donuts. We then waded into the Arctic Ocean before visiting a traditional sod house, ice house, and passing by some old churches. James Pokiak then Led Us On A Beluga Whale Watching Boat Tour. A perfect day.